Hey family!
What an awesome week I had! So i hope that you remember Lucy, the mom of Tania and Agustin. They were my first two baptisms here in Miguel Grau about 4 months ago. Well I think that I told you, but she decided that it was time to get baptized last week and we had her awesome baptism on Sunday morning. She was really excited and felt awesome. She shared her wonderfully heartfelt testimony with all of us after wards and how she finally figured out that it was something that she had to do. She knew for a really long time that she had to do it but finally decided that she was going to do it. The Bishop baptized her and it was awesome!
Saturday night we had the baptisms of Jeremy Josue Hinostroza. He is a way cool little 9 year old that is so dang smart. He would read the things that we taught him and retain all of it! On a very rare basis did he tell us that he didn't remember something. He is a brilliant little dude. His parents are both members but have been inactive for a very long time. Well they both came to his baptismal interview and then to his baptism. What surprised me the most was that they both came to his confirmation and stayed for the entire 3 hour block! I hope that they keep coming and that their son's baptism has been something that will help them realize that they need the church. That they need to be active as a family. Jeremy comes with his uncle who's a member when he doesn't come with his parents. It has been a really good experience and I hope that his family make a change because of the actions of their son.
The other baptism that we had was of Norma Quispe. She is awesome too. Super dooper prepared and ready to get baptized. Elder Leon finished the interview with her on Friday night and said ¨GOLD¨She came pre-taught pretty much. We taught her and she just gave us experience after experience confirming the things that we taught with her own personal experience. We are going to start teaching her family as well and they sound really awesome.
Something that Elder Jensen, I think that he is in the presidency of the 70´s or something I can't remember, but he came a few months back and shared a few things that really impacted me and that I had never really thought about before. He said that when we were in the pre-existence we were all taught the plan of the Savior and what we would all have to do. We all know that when we learn about the great plan of happiness since primary. But then he said something that made me think. Here on this earth we are only reminded of the things that we have learned. When we teach people we teach them and it's up to them to open their heart. When we teach, if they listen and we teach well, their own spirit will feel like an awakening inside of them. They will just know that it's true because they already knew it. They will just remember! I thought that was a pretty deep thought and I liked it a lot.
I was in a Van the other day that's called a combi, that's how we travel. But like all of the others it had stickers that said stuff like "Christ is my pilot" all sorts of things that like. I call this bumper sticker belief. Here Christ is more thought of as something that can save them and not as someone. People adore him more like he is something not someone. I hope that you can understand my explanation. But I was thinking, if they only knew that really he is someONE not a thing, that really truly he loves them and cares for them and wants them and all of us to be with him forever. That if they really understood that, even in the slightest degree, how different would be their lives. How different would be our existence. Just a thought that Christ is SomeONE not someTHING and that He lives and loves us.
So sounds like sis had an awesome week. Sorry, I don't think that I'm going to have time to write to you this week sis. Sounds like you all had a good time in Idaho. Sounds like the homecoming part was awesome he he and the game too! Good for you guys! Keep having an awesome time.
Ill be praying for Sam. I know everything will be alright. I tried to send some pics but my camera and the computers don't always agree. I'll get some sent to you next week. Send me some pics of the game and fruity tooty and Homecoming. I took some pretty sweet pics this last week of my area. I'm excited to send them but we will have to wait. Congrats to B-meister sounds like he had quite the experience. I love you all have an awesome week!
Love Elder B
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
September 20, 2010
Hey my wonderful familia!
Sounds like a whole bunch of good news is happening back at home. New cousins are arriving and the old ones get to visit Grandma ha ha! Sorry to call you old Jason and Jess. WHOO! I'm super excited that Fruity gets to play ball! I was praying for her to be able to! Just sounds like icing on the cake to a really great experience that she is having.
Ok. I had a pretty hard week with some high highs and really low lows... First off the good stuff. almost all of our investigators have a baptism date! The bad stuff there aren't any more... We got too concentrated on them and haven't been looking hard enough for new ones. We should be having four baptisms this week! One is named Norma, I think that I told you about her last week. She is awesome and so prepared. When she is at church it's like she has been a member for years. She isn't shy at all and just makes new friends all the time. There is a little kid named Jeremy (he´s named after the missionaries that baptized his mom, pretty cool) He is SOO dang smart. We leave him some stuff to read and then when we get there he says, "Sorry ,I couldn't read very much." But then he tells us all sorts of stuff and has a better understanding of what we teach than many adults. He's the man. He makes me think of the verse in Alma 32.23. And then we have another couple that went to get married they should be getting home any day now. She is a member but her soon to be husband Miguel is not. But he's really excited. And then the big surprise! Do you remember Agustin and Tania? They were our first baptisms here. Their older sister is a returned missionary. Well my comp and the first counselor in the bishopric went to their house and talked to their mom Lucy. We have been teaching her forever! But she finally understood and has decided to be baptized this Sunday! Whoo! So there are the four awesome people who will be getting baptized!
Then we have Antonio and Mily. We are working on their marriage. They have asked their parents to send their papers and when they get here they are golden! Awesome!
Some of the bad stuff. My companion and I walked a ton this week! I'm tired! We need to be looking for more investigators so that there is someone to teach when we baptize everyone!
The Lord is really blessing us so much it's awesome! I love this mission! I'm learning so much and seeing so many miracles everyday. I love you all so much! Take care and keep being awesome!
I love you! Elder B.
Monday, September 13, 2010
September 13, 2010
Howdy doo my awesome fam!
Ok, so this week was pretty cool. We had leadership conference training again. Leadership conference takes a long time. We were there Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am until 5pm and then on Thursday until 3:30pm. We learn about some key things that the apostles want us to be focusing on. We do lots of practices and stuff, so it's good. But some sad news happened yesterday... Carmen, her daughter, and her brother have decided that they want to keep preparing themselves to be baptized... they say they aren't ready to be baptized. I wasn't with my companion because we did splits for that appointment but they tried for a really long time to change her mind. She did say that if she prays and receives an answer that she will still do it. So pray hard for her and help her have a change of heart. She's really great but needs to open her heart and learn to accept the will of the lord.
Our other investigators are doing awesome. Norma is one prepared person. She keeps on having spiritual experiences all the time. After our last appointment she went home and talked about everything that she learned from us with her sister and her cousin. They both told her they want to get baptized too haha! So we are going to be teaching them too. We have one couple, Antonio and his girlfriend Mily. They need to get married but they are awesome! AWESOME! they always come to church and participate and have an awesome time. They love learning about everything. They are always so excited when we come to visit them. Their table is always set up nice and neat. I kinda have a funny story. We went to visit them the first Saturday of this month and we got there and there were steaming glasses of something called massamora. It's kind of like a jelly drink. Kinda weird but it's good. It's a drink that you have to eat with a spoon, so I'm not sure if you would call it a drink haha. It's really sticky. The bad part was that we were fasting... so without explaining we just kind of left it on the table and we taught them. At the end of the lesson I said ¨Tendra que perdonarnos hermana por no comer su massamora, pero estamos ayunando¨ You will have to forgive us for not eating your massamora, we are fasting. Then we had to explain about fasting. They understood and were just fine with that. So on Saturday night when we went to their house again. We taught them and it was awesome. But then after the lesson she comes to me and says. "Sorry Brother Bearnson, but are you fasting?" I laughed and said no "Hermana today we aren't fasting!" She laughed and went over to the stove and filled us up big glasses of hot chocolate and rolls. They are awesome. We are working on getting their papers ready to get them married and everything will be awesome. They have a huge desire to get baptized. They are sharing the gospel with their coworkers and neighbors and with all sorts of people. They have been so prepared to be members.
That's something that the Peruvians put us to shame with. Talking to their neighbors and inviting them to listen to us. They talk to their family, their neighbors, everyone knows that they are Mormons. They are awesome! It's something that we need to work on and I hope I can be better at talking about it when I get home.
Awesome! The Justinator is headed out on the mish! That's awesome! Arkansas huh that should be sweet! When does he head out?
The time is flying with my new companion. Elder Huaman and I get along really well. He is a really cool guy. I love the mission and for anyone that reads this and is thinking about serving a mission but isn't sure if they can do it. Just do it! It will be the best decision that you will ever make in your life. I have learned so much from these people and have been able to be part of their great change of heart. I'm so thankful to the lord for the chance that he has given me to be part of this work.
Whoa Zman! you ran a mile and a half in 12 and a half minutes! sweet bro! I'm really proud of ya buddy! Its awesome to see you sticking with it! Keep me updated buddy!
Ok I did get the package you sent me and my card! Thanks so much! Estaba bien Aguja! I was really broke! I had to use all the mission money to go to the doc... I was running low, but now I'm ok. The insoles are awesome by the way thank you very much. I gave the other ones to my comp. He basically was walking on nothing on the inside of his shoes.
WHOOOO yea BYU lost! !!!! Sorry that's rude... I need to work on my attributes specifically charity hehehe! And my awesome Aggies won!!!! yea! That's good news! Sweet Elder B-meister is District leader down there in Arizona! Awesome. Good for him. He´ll do a great job. That's good to hear about brother Phillips. I hope he is doing alright. Tell Jenn and Dawson good luck! I hope everything goes well for them! Well fam, I hope that everything is going awesome for you! I love you all so much and always pray for you! I love you!
Love Elder B
PS if there is a 19 to 20 year old girl that is part of one of those new families feel free to give her my address! Don't worry, I'm focused, haha!! love ya mom!
Ok, so this week was pretty cool. We had leadership conference training again. Leadership conference takes a long time. We were there Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am until 5pm and then on Thursday until 3:30pm. We learn about some key things that the apostles want us to be focusing on. We do lots of practices and stuff, so it's good. But some sad news happened yesterday... Carmen, her daughter, and her brother have decided that they want to keep preparing themselves to be baptized... they say they aren't ready to be baptized. I wasn't with my companion because we did splits for that appointment but they tried for a really long time to change her mind. She did say that if she prays and receives an answer that she will still do it. So pray hard for her and help her have a change of heart. She's really great but needs to open her heart and learn to accept the will of the lord.
Our other investigators are doing awesome. Norma is one prepared person. She keeps on having spiritual experiences all the time. After our last appointment she went home and talked about everything that she learned from us with her sister and her cousin. They both told her they want to get baptized too haha! So we are going to be teaching them too. We have one couple, Antonio and his girlfriend Mily. They need to get married but they are awesome! AWESOME! they always come to church and participate and have an awesome time. They love learning about everything. They are always so excited when we come to visit them. Their table is always set up nice and neat. I kinda have a funny story. We went to visit them the first Saturday of this month and we got there and there were steaming glasses of something called massamora. It's kind of like a jelly drink. Kinda weird but it's good. It's a drink that you have to eat with a spoon, so I'm not sure if you would call it a drink haha. It's really sticky. The bad part was that we were fasting... so without explaining we just kind of left it on the table and we taught them. At the end of the lesson I said ¨Tendra que perdonarnos hermana por no comer su massamora, pero estamos ayunando¨ You will have to forgive us for not eating your massamora, we are fasting. Then we had to explain about fasting. They understood and were just fine with that. So on Saturday night when we went to their house again. We taught them and it was awesome. But then after the lesson she comes to me and says. "Sorry Brother Bearnson, but are you fasting?" I laughed and said no "Hermana today we aren't fasting!" She laughed and went over to the stove and filled us up big glasses of hot chocolate and rolls. They are awesome. We are working on getting their papers ready to get them married and everything will be awesome. They have a huge desire to get baptized. They are sharing the gospel with their coworkers and neighbors and with all sorts of people. They have been so prepared to be members.
That's something that the Peruvians put us to shame with. Talking to their neighbors and inviting them to listen to us. They talk to their family, their neighbors, everyone knows that they are Mormons. They are awesome! It's something that we need to work on and I hope I can be better at talking about it when I get home.
Awesome! The Justinator is headed out on the mish! That's awesome! Arkansas huh that should be sweet! When does he head out?
The time is flying with my new companion. Elder Huaman and I get along really well. He is a really cool guy. I love the mission and for anyone that reads this and is thinking about serving a mission but isn't sure if they can do it. Just do it! It will be the best decision that you will ever make in your life. I have learned so much from these people and have been able to be part of their great change of heart. I'm so thankful to the lord for the chance that he has given me to be part of this work.
Whoa Zman! you ran a mile and a half in 12 and a half minutes! sweet bro! I'm really proud of ya buddy! Its awesome to see you sticking with it! Keep me updated buddy!
Ok I did get the package you sent me and my card! Thanks so much! Estaba bien Aguja! I was really broke! I had to use all the mission money to go to the doc... I was running low, but now I'm ok. The insoles are awesome by the way thank you very much. I gave the other ones to my comp. He basically was walking on nothing on the inside of his shoes.
WHOOOO yea BYU lost! !!!! Sorry that's rude... I need to work on my attributes specifically charity hehehe! And my awesome Aggies won!!!! yea! That's good news! Sweet Elder B-meister is District leader down there in Arizona! Awesome. Good for him. He´ll do a great job. That's good to hear about brother Phillips. I hope he is doing alright. Tell Jenn and Dawson good luck! I hope everything goes well for them! Well fam, I hope that everything is going awesome for you! I love you all so much and always pray for you! I love you!
Love Elder B
PS if there is a 19 to 20 year old girl that is part of one of those new families feel free to give her my address! Don't worry, I'm focused, haha!! love ya mom!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September 6, 2010
Hey fam!
Wow a lot has happened in the last few weeks. I remember taking the sacrament to Brother Nelson all the time. Send his family all of my best wishes. Also give the Phillips family a hug for me too. I hope that he is doing alright. Wow and I think his name is Dan McConkie, not sure, I didn't know him that well. But wow that's super scary. That's good that his companion did some quick thinking and didn't leave him. I hope that he is doing alright now and won't have to come home or anything. I'm sure that he is an awesome missionary.
Thanks mom for mailing my card... I have been using the mission money to pay for my doctors visits. Needless to say, I'm broke... But when it gets here it should be good! Thanks
So this week was pretty awesome! Elder Huaman and I are like best buddies. We worked super hard this week and didn't have very many lessons, but we had success in other areas. On Sunday morning we set Carmen Rosa and her daughter with a date for the 2nd of October! If you don't remember who they are, they´re Elder Jays birth-mom and sister! Carmen's brother also has a date for the same day! Awesome! Then later on in the day we met with a girl that has come to church with her very active cousin two weeks in a row now. Her name is Norma. Wow is she awesome! We went and started talking to her and she started sharing with us all sorts of feelings and thoughts that she had had over the past few weeks. She has had some deep feelings and thoughts of reflection and has really felt the spirit in her life. She has a testimony of the Savior and what He has done for her. She asked us the question. "If I was baptized in the Catholic church do I need to be baptized again in this church" So to answer her question we taught her the restoration and how the authority of God had been taken from the earth. When I taught the restoration and about Joseph Smith receiving the priesthood I asked her, " when you feel that your prayers have been answered from God, will you be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ through someone that holds the authority of God?" After a short pause she shook her head "yes". I then asked, "Will you prepare yourself to be baptized the 25th of September? She said yes. I felt the Spirit incredibly strongly and powerfully. She is such a prepared person. I haven't felt the spirit like that in a while. It was one of the most powerful experiences that I have had on my mission.
I know that the Lord prepares people to be members of His church. If we are worthy, and working in His manner He will bless us enough to be part of their progress in this life. I love this work and want to keep working super hard to be able to be part of more people's progression. I love you fam! Keep being awesome!
Love Elder B
Oh and PS! I love my Aggies even if they don't win! It sounds like they played one good ball game! I saw something funny the other day! It was a big Utah State Aggies window sticker on a Combi. A combi is kinda like a mini bus. I just thought that it was awesome to see it here in Peru haha
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
August 30, 2010
Hey familia!
So ok first business... I did get the company called and they got me a new card in about five minutes tops... I need my card as fast as possible because now I have to pay for my doctors visits... they don't cost much. I'll take care of it. Yes I would like you to send my hat but I don't want that to make my card take longer to get here. It would be better if you could send it in the next package or something.
Sweet! Zman has been talking to Mr Heaston about the church! Have him take some pics in and show him. Tell him to get brave and ask him if he wants to listen to the missionaries! I'm super excited that Z is doing some sports. That's awesome! I'm glad he likes it. And on top of that camping! What a good weekend haha. I'm really bummed out about fruity... how lame is that. They really think that she came from Colorado to a little Idaho town to play sports... awesome... I'll keep praying for everything to turn out ok. That's good that she is having a good time with Grandma and Paula. Sounds like she is making some good friends. I can't believe that Brynnie is going to be in BYU... That's crazy... I can't believe how fast everyone is growing up. Pretty crazy.
Things here have gotten a little shaken up in San Gabriel (that means saint Gabriel) I have a new companion his name is Elder Huaman (waamaan) He is a way cool guy. We are going to work super hard together. We have had a family from heaven fall out of the sky on us. They have to get married but we are going to help them with that. They want to get baptized and always come to church. They say they have found what they were looking for! We visited the temple with our gospel doctrine class! We just walked around the outside and had some food to eat in the cafeteria. They could really feel the spirit and want to be an Eternal family. So we are going to be here to help them achieve that goal. They live up on top of a big mountain. It's fun to get up to their house. When I say up, I mean up. I'll send you some pics next time from up at their house.
We have a couple of other investigators that are progressing as well. Elder Jays mom is working hard and we are teaching her a lot. She should be getting baptized at the end of this month or the next. So all and all we are just working as hard as we can. I love the work and want to do my best everyday. Thanks for all the support that you all give me. Take care!
Love Elder B
So ok first business... I did get the company called and they got me a new card in about five minutes tops... I need my card as fast as possible because now I have to pay for my doctors visits... they don't cost much. I'll take care of it. Yes I would like you to send my hat but I don't want that to make my card take longer to get here. It would be better if you could send it in the next package or something.
Sweet! Zman has been talking to Mr Heaston about the church! Have him take some pics in and show him. Tell him to get brave and ask him if he wants to listen to the missionaries! I'm super excited that Z is doing some sports. That's awesome! I'm glad he likes it. And on top of that camping! What a good weekend haha. I'm really bummed out about fruity... how lame is that. They really think that she came from Colorado to a little Idaho town to play sports... awesome... I'll keep praying for everything to turn out ok. That's good that she is having a good time with Grandma and Paula. Sounds like she is making some good friends. I can't believe that Brynnie is going to be in BYU... That's crazy... I can't believe how fast everyone is growing up. Pretty crazy.
Things here have gotten a little shaken up in San Gabriel (that means saint Gabriel) I have a new companion his name is Elder Huaman (waamaan) He is a way cool guy. We are going to work super hard together. We have had a family from heaven fall out of the sky on us. They have to get married but we are going to help them with that. They want to get baptized and always come to church. They say they have found what they were looking for! We visited the temple with our gospel doctrine class! We just walked around the outside and had some food to eat in the cafeteria. They could really feel the spirit and want to be an Eternal family. So we are going to be here to help them achieve that goal. They live up on top of a big mountain. It's fun to get up to their house. When I say up, I mean up. I'll send you some pics next time from up at their house.
We have a couple of other investigators that are progressing as well. Elder Jays mom is working hard and we are teaching her a lot. She should be getting baptized at the end of this month or the next. So all and all we are just working as hard as we can. I love the work and want to do my best everyday. Thanks for all the support that you all give me. Take care!
Love Elder B
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