Hey familia!
First off, I'm really sorry that I'm not very good about writing. It's kinda hard to schedule my time. I have had lots of really cool things happen to me this week. First off, I have a new companion! He is the coolest! His name is Elder Hola! But you have to pronounce the H. He is from Logan! He lived about 5 minutes from Presidente Manning's house haha!! He's a great companion. He even has been to Star Valley!!! His Uncle's family has a cabin up there! It's crazy! We have tons of things in common! I love this guy. We have such awesome unity in everything that we do. He came on Sunday night, then we had changes on Monday morning. They were pretty rocky, but we got them done. Later that day we had the training of the new trainers. I always find that ironic because I have never been a trainer and I have to train them... ha. Then on Tuesday morning we went to pick up the new missionaries at the CCM (MTC). That's one of my favorite parts about this job. So that same day we trained all of the new missionaries. I love their spirits. They are just so excited and full of life. They are so excited about getting into the field but also a little bit scared.
On Wednesday we had to plan a training meeting on Thursday for all the district leaders. That was kinda fun. To answer your question mom, Presidente usually meets with us and tells us what it is that he would like to see in the meeting, then we go and make an agenda with all the stuff that he wants. We send it to him for revision and we make the necessary changes. We plan it all with his guidance, but we help him teach everything. Very rarely does he want to teach something alone. We participate a lot. President, my companion and I, we pretty much give it the three way punch with everything we do. It can be stressful but I really like doing it.
Something made me feel good the other day. We were looking at Presidente's board with all the missionaries there. On all the cards president puts different colored stickers to help him remember things, like pink means they are going to have a change, green they are new Etc... I was explaining that to my companion and I said blue means that they are going home soon, like the one on my card... I didn't really mean to say that, it was just the first one that I saw. Sister Manning was there and she kinda hit me and said, "We we´re going to take that sticker off! Then President said you could leave but then just keep showing up and we wouldn't say anything." I thought that was kinda funny. I'm trying to get the most out of these last few months.
My companion and I set someone else with a date this week! His name is Ronald. We taught him a few times with Elder Cahui but now he has a baptismal date for the 30th of July. His sister is also amazing and has been coming to church for a really long time and wants to get baptized but her mom won't let her. Maybe if her older brother gets baptized she will let Ana Lucia do it to. We are really working hard with them.
I had a neat experience this last week as well with president. There was a sick sister here in the office. He called me over and asked me to give her a blessing with him. He asked me to annoint her and then he gave her a blessing. It was a great experience for me. I think that's the first time that I have given a blessing with Presidente. I really appreciated that experience.
I am liking this job a lot. It's really hard and stressful but I really do love it. I'm learning a lot and I'm developing so many skills that will be useful to me forever. I love this church, because I know that it's from God and that it's his church.
Please take care family! I love you all a ton!
Love Elder B
Ha that halo story is awesome! Man I'm going to miss you all on the 4th! Can't believe it's my last one. Mom can I buy a guitar? With President Mannning's blessing!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
June 16, 2011
Hey family!
Wow am I busy! I'm really sorry that I haven't been writing much. Sometimes it's kinda hard to find time. I don't really get a P-day. We take time when we get it! Sometimes we get to go out and do stuff but not often. We usually only have time to clean our room and go to the grocery store ¡Fun! When we do get a p-day it's just a random day usually.
Last week we were in Nazca! It was pretty fun. That's where they have the Nazca lines. If you're not sure what that is you could look up Nazca lines on google and you´ll probably recognize it. We didn't get to do any sight seeing or anything like that but it was fun just to be there.
Well, I didn't get to go to the sealing of Iber and Chabela... Because i was in Nazca. I had to be there for a conference. That was a real bummer, but the Whitney's told me that it went really well. I was really happy about that. I think that Arevalo and Sara are going to the temple the 8th of July! I'm stoked!
Ok here in our area, Surquillo, we have two surprises!!! We went to visit an old investigator named Giovana that they had been visiting a couple months ago. We talked with her and she said "so when do you guys think that I can get baptized?" We sat there with our mouths open for a few seconds. Then she said "I would really like to get baptized on the 20th if that's ok?" Well that was the first time that I had to tell an investigator that we needed to go home and think about it and see if her baptismal date was too soon... We decided after praying about it that it's just fine! She is an awesome person, she already has been living the commandments and she has gone to church before. She will be getting baptized this Monday! She has been one of THE most prepared people that I have ever met on my mission. She is incredible! She is the head of the marketing department for the biggest newspaper in Peru. She runs a team of about 230 people. She's busy, but she makes time for us and she turns off the phone and all interruptions to listen. It's been pretty amazing.
The other surprise! Hermana Lourdes! She has been the opposite of Hermana Giovana. They had been teaching her for 3 months before I got here, so now we have been teaching her for about 4 1/2 months. I asked her the other day "how do you feel about baptism?" We were feeling a little frustrated with her because we didn't know what to teach. She knows everything and just didn't feel ready. But she said "well I finally feel prepared." We just about fell off our seats! She wants to get baptized on Sunday I think. So we went from not having anyone with a date to having two people in the same week. That's what you call a miracle! Even though we aren't in our area very much and we don't have the same game-plan as other missionaries, the Lord still provides us with prepared people.
This week we are really busy. This week changes are coming up. We have lots to do helping President with everything. There are lots of things to take into account. It's a real blessing to be with him. He receives so much revelation it's incredible! Sometimes he receives answers that he's not sure why, but then later we realize that it was for a wise purpose from the Lord. I love this work. I know it's His.
Oh hey you asked me about Elder Martin right. Well I was his first Zone leader in San Gabriel. haha. He is a great missionary. Right now he is a Zone Leader in a place called Pisco. He's a good friend of mine. Kind of funny how small the world is huh.
Sorry I haven't sent pics. My camera has a virus. I'm not quite sure how to kill it still.
Well fam I love you a ton! Sorry I'm not sure when I'll be able to write to you all again. Next week will be crazy too, lots of training and stuff! It's exciting but kinda stressful too. I love you a ton!
Love Elder Bearnson
Monday, June 6, 2011
June 5, 2011
Hey Familia!
I'm sorry that I haven't written you guys this week. It has been a super crazy time for me here! I have had lots of things to do. Yesterday we had a zone leaders council. Last Tuesday we had a leadership training with all the leaders from the south part of the mission. Last week was the coolest! We went to Ayacucho! Its in the mountains way far south! And we flew! That was fun! We had to wake up at 2 in the morning and get ready to go to the airport. We left and got on the plane at about 530 in the morning, and landed in Ayacucho about 1 hour after. Ayacucho is beautiful! I took a bunch of pics from the airplane. I'm not sure if I should have taken pics while we were flying but I did. I won't be able to send them this time because my camera has a virus. But there are mountain and valleys and lakes and trees. It's really pretty. The city is super old with lots of old buildings from when the Spanish were here. We went for a few days to visit the elders and then have a zone conference. Its really fun. I got to work with Elder Ponciano, my second companion in Mala. That was really fun. I love teaching with him.
Ok the other day I went with my companion and Presidente Manning to Mala. He interviewed TWO of my converts so that they can go to the temple! Iber and Chabela! They were the first marriage that we did in Mala. They were going to go to the temple on Friday but some kind of complication came up and they couldn't come. They will be coming this Friday though to be sealed with their son Nicolas. I'm kinda bummed out though because I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it. I have to be in Nazca which is the farthest part away in the mission. I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to do. I have too many responsibilities to take care of right now... its kinda tough. The Whitney's will be going with them and so will the Reich's. I forgot to tell you all that I got to see them last week. It was really fun. Sister Whitney told me to tell you thanks for the comment on their blog mom, and also for reading it.
I cant tell you how awesome it was to see Iber and Chabela again, and the best part is they are preparing to go to the temple. As missionaries its awesome to have a baptism but it is so sad to hear that they aren't super active anymore if that's what happens. But the absolute best thing ever is that they make it to the temple. I really can't think of anything better! How wonderful is that! I know that the temple is a sacred house, dedicated to the lord by his holy prophets. And we as his children we have the opportunity to enter there and make sacred covenants as a family. if we are true to those covenants we will receive the highest glory in the kingdom of God. Presidente Manning said something the other day that really impacted me. Sometimes I find myself thinking and wondering if I'm really good enough to make it to where I want to go. That is the celestial kingdom. I know I have errors and faults, but I try. Sometimes I have wondered how can I measure myself. What Presidente said answered my question. quote "If you live worthy to have a temple recommend until your last breath of life you will be worthy!" That really impacted me a lot. I sure do love the Lord. He loves us so much and is so willing to forgive. All we have to do is do our best and we can live with him! It's something that I can't really understand. I don't understand how it is that the Savior took upon himself our sins but I know that he did it, and I'm so thankful to him for all that he did.
I have been thinking a lot about prayer these last few days. I'm really trying to have more sincere prayer. It's through prayer and reading the scriptures that we can really come to know God. I know its true. I'm not the best at it, but I'm trying. Family I love you so much. Thanks for everything that you do!
You might be wondering why I'm writing Sunday morning and why I'm not in church. Well here in Peru it's the final election day for the new president and it's illegal to have public meetings during this day. So we can't go to church and everyone is voting right now. So I made breakfast and studied and then we came in to the office to write our families because we haven't been able to write this week.
I really love to be able to be with president so much. It's awesome to be able to drive around with him and just talk to him. We can ask him things and he is really sincere with us. We talk about the problems in the mission and the things that we are going to do to fix it. I love it!
Well family thanks for everything that you do. I love you all so much.
Love Elder Bearnson
I'm sorry that I haven't written you guys this week. It has been a super crazy time for me here! I have had lots of things to do. Yesterday we had a zone leaders council. Last Tuesday we had a leadership training with all the leaders from the south part of the mission. Last week was the coolest! We went to Ayacucho! Its in the mountains way far south! And we flew! That was fun! We had to wake up at 2 in the morning and get ready to go to the airport. We left and got on the plane at about 530 in the morning, and landed in Ayacucho about 1 hour after. Ayacucho is beautiful! I took a bunch of pics from the airplane. I'm not sure if I should have taken pics while we were flying but I did. I won't be able to send them this time because my camera has a virus. But there are mountain and valleys and lakes and trees. It's really pretty. The city is super old with lots of old buildings from when the Spanish were here. We went for a few days to visit the elders and then have a zone conference. Its really fun. I got to work with Elder Ponciano, my second companion in Mala. That was really fun. I love teaching with him.
Ok the other day I went with my companion and Presidente Manning to Mala. He interviewed TWO of my converts so that they can go to the temple! Iber and Chabela! They were the first marriage that we did in Mala. They were going to go to the temple on Friday but some kind of complication came up and they couldn't come. They will be coming this Friday though to be sealed with their son Nicolas. I'm kinda bummed out though because I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it. I have to be in Nazca which is the farthest part away in the mission. I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to do. I have too many responsibilities to take care of right now... its kinda tough. The Whitney's will be going with them and so will the Reich's. I forgot to tell you all that I got to see them last week. It was really fun. Sister Whitney told me to tell you thanks for the comment on their blog mom, and also for reading it.
I cant tell you how awesome it was to see Iber and Chabela again, and the best part is they are preparing to go to the temple. As missionaries its awesome to have a baptism but it is so sad to hear that they aren't super active anymore if that's what happens. But the absolute best thing ever is that they make it to the temple. I really can't think of anything better! How wonderful is that! I know that the temple is a sacred house, dedicated to the lord by his holy prophets. And we as his children we have the opportunity to enter there and make sacred covenants as a family. if we are true to those covenants we will receive the highest glory in the kingdom of God. Presidente Manning said something the other day that really impacted me. Sometimes I find myself thinking and wondering if I'm really good enough to make it to where I want to go. That is the celestial kingdom. I know I have errors and faults, but I try. Sometimes I have wondered how can I measure myself. What Presidente said answered my question. quote "If you live worthy to have a temple recommend until your last breath of life you will be worthy!" That really impacted me a lot. I sure do love the Lord. He loves us so much and is so willing to forgive. All we have to do is do our best and we can live with him! It's something that I can't really understand. I don't understand how it is that the Savior took upon himself our sins but I know that he did it, and I'm so thankful to him for all that he did.
I have been thinking a lot about prayer these last few days. I'm really trying to have more sincere prayer. It's through prayer and reading the scriptures that we can really come to know God. I know its true. I'm not the best at it, but I'm trying. Family I love you so much. Thanks for everything that you do!
You might be wondering why I'm writing Sunday morning and why I'm not in church. Well here in Peru it's the final election day for the new president and it's illegal to have public meetings during this day. So we can't go to church and everyone is voting right now. So I made breakfast and studied and then we came in to the office to write our families because we haven't been able to write this week.
I really love to be able to be with president so much. It's awesome to be able to drive around with him and just talk to him. We can ask him things and he is really sincere with us. We talk about the problems in the mission and the things that we are going to do to fix it. I love it!
Well family thanks for everything that you do. I love you all so much.
Love Elder Bearnson
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