Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 21, 2010

Hola Familia!
Well things have been going well here in Miguel Grau. I tried to send you some pics but the computer is being dumb. WOW! ZACH IS HUGE! It was good to see him and dad working on the fence. I hope it looks good, haha!
My area is really a bunch of hills, lots and lots of hills! I'm getting to know it well and I'm getting to know all the members. We should be having a couple of baptisms this upcoming week so pray for us! I hope that all is going well at home. Sounds like things are on the up and up. It's good to hear that Sista got to go hang out at the Johnson's and that she had a good time on the trek! I'm not too worried about you all but I'm praying for you. Sorry, I don't have too much time. As zone leader there is a lot to do and we are trying to manage the time better. Thanks for all of your prayers and letters. Thanks Punt P for your letter! Heather! I would like you to send me an email! I wanna know how the kids are doing! I miss them a bunch! And Dennis and Jackie how are they doing with the newbie? He should have about a year now right? Well I gotta run! Love ya!
Elder B

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14, 2010

Hola Familia!
Ok, well you guessed correctly mom... I got transferred. I had to leave my beloved Mala and I am now in a place in Lima that's called San Gabriel. My area in San Gabriel is Miguel Grau. I'm a zone leader with Elder Xicay (she kai). He's from Guatemala. He's a super dork but a really good Missionary and makes me laugh... a lot. My new area is like a series of 16 mountains... all of it is hills mountains and there is nothing flat. If I was gaining weight I'll be losing it here shortly. We had lots of meetings and everything this week. I was in one meeting with President Manning and the other zone leaders from 9 in the morning to about 5 in the afternoon. So we didn't get to work too much in the area this week, but we will get to work a lot more this next week.
So some things that happened before I left Mala. We had the baptism of Arevalo's daughter on Tuesday the first of June. Then on Friday we had the marriage of Juana and Mauricio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome! Then the next day we had their baptisms! I don't have time to send the pics but I'll do it next week. It was a very good way to end my time in Mala, but I didn't want to leave. It was fast Sunday and I cried a whole bunch. It was kind of like when I left the airport from home. I didn't think that it would be that hard. But it's ok. I'm here in Miguel Grau and I'm going to like it. It's much much different but a lot of the same problems. We went this morning to help a couple figure out how they can get married. There is a lot of new responsibility as zone leader. For example we didn't get to sleep last night till about 1 in the morning because we were filling out paperwork... lame but if that's what the lord has for me to do, alrighty.
I hope that everything is going well for you fam. I can't tell you how much I love you. I use our example of being an Eternal Family all the time. Stay strong, read and study the scriptures please! So that we can all be together forever in the presence of the most high God and his son Jesus Christ. I love you and I Want to live with you all together forever!
Love Elder B
PS. if you could tell B that yea he got my email address right but i can't email him back. We aren't allowed to email anyone. And tell Jason and Jess that I got the pic of gavin! They have a future lady killer on their hands! He's a good looking kid.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

May 31, 2010

Hey family!
Ok, this week was a little bit sad in lots of different ways. Do you remember Lily and Ever? Well they had a baptismal date for this next weekend but on Monday night one of their four year old twins put rat poison in her mouth. She didn't eat it but stuck a little bit in there. So they went to the hospital and got her some help and she ended up not having any ill effects. But it sure did scare Lily. The next night the other daughter woke up with her throat hurting and the next morning it was all swollen and big. It had a big lump on the outside. They thought that it might have been a gland or something but went to a few more doctors and one told her to go to the emergency in Lima. She got there, they ran some tests and Lily called me at three in the morning crying and told me that her four year old daughter has a tumor... It was a pretty rough couple of days but they decided later that maybe its a cyst. But they were going to be doing a biopsy today to see what it is. Lily didn't sleep for about 3 or 4 days. She was only able to see Lyseth her daughter, for a couple of minutes every couple of hours. They are pretty shaken up but doing ok. Their family is telling them that it's because they are talking with us that all these things are happening. Please pray for Lily her husband Ever their daughters Fatima and Lyseth. They all need your prayers so very much.
The other family that should be getting baptized this Saturday is still having trouble with their papers to get married. We are still shooting for Saturday but they could really use the help of your prayers too. Their names are Mauricio and Juana (huana).
Some really good news! Tomorrow is the baptism of Sandra the youngest daughter of Arevalo! And guess who will be baptizing her! Arevalo! It's awesome! He blessed the sacrament for the first time this last Sunday and will be using his priesthood tomorrow to baptize his daughter! How cool! He wants to go to the temple and do the work for his dad and mom in the next couple of weeks. He is such a cool guy! I'm so happy with all the progress that he is making!
We are having good progress here in Mala. We have had some really rough spots this last week... But we are working hard and trying to get it done. The thing is that sometimes we try to do it on our time and not the Lords. I'm trying to respond to the promptings of the Spirit and always let Him guide the way. I know that He is real and that He leads and guides us. With Him as our guide we can do anything.
I sure love you family! Holy cow (Santa Vaca!) Zach! are you really that tall or are you a little bit higher up the mountain than Lauren? Your gonna pass me up! I might be growing longitudinally (can you fix that mom i cant remember how to spell it)... But i think that i have started to do some horizontal growth...
I sure love all of you and all that you do for me. Thanks for the box of socks! I got a box from Grandma Dorothy a few weeks ago not sure if that was the last one that she sent or not. It had beef jerky WHICH IS LIKE GOLD FOR ME!!!!! and some rice crispy treats... might be one of the reasons for my horizontal growth.... I sure do love you family! Thanks for being the best! Keep doing what's right and correct in the sight of the lord!
Love Elder Bearnson

Map of Peru

Lima Peru South Mission

Lima Peru South Mission